Our Work

Victorian Desalination Augmentation Plan (2020-2021).

​Sequana led the Victorian Desalination Project Augmentation Planning (VDAP), valued at approximately $20 million.

DELWP enlisted Sequana to strategise and coordinate options for expanding Victoria’s desalinated water supply. Sequana evaluated upgrading the existing 150-GL facility to 200 GL or constructing a new desalination plant, with an estimated augmentation value exceeding $1 billion.

Managing complexities like brownfields interfacing and risk transfer, Sequana navigated planning, procurement, and technical assessments. We implemented governance structures like the Project Oversight Committee (POC) and Project Steering Group (PSG) and adhered to ISO standards for integrated management systems.

With successful delivery milestones, Sequana presented outcomes to the Central and Gippsland Region Sustainable Water Strategy, which gained Ministerial and Cabinet approval for the preliminary business case in 2022.