News & Insights

Is Bottled Better?.

05 Sep 24 · Industry, Thought Leadership

In an era where convenience often takes precedence, bottled water has become a staple for many, symbolising purity and health in a portable package. Yet, as the market for bottled water continues to grow, so do the questions surrounding it.

Is bottled water truly better, and can we trust what we drink?

Bottled water is often marketed as a cleaner, safer alternative to tap water. Sold to consumers with images of pristine mountain springs and untouched glaciers adorning the labels, bottled water evokes a sense of natural purity.

This perception is reinforced by clever advertising, leading consumers to believe bottled water is the gold standard of hydration – much better than anything they could get from a tap.

The reality is far more complex. While some bottled water lives up to the claims on the label, originating from natural springs, many are simply filtered tap water, duping the very customers who are eschewing what they have at home.

At Sequana, we’re dedicated to driving positive change and fostering constructive debate through our Water Sector Insights and Leadership series, which includes demystifying some of the lesser-known aspects of the industry.

In this article, Melissa Thek, Director – Strategy, Transformation & Delivery, and Suhaib Malkawi, Civil Engineer, team up once again to unpack what’s really in the bottles of water we’re spending our hard-earned money on, and if we’d be better off turning on the tap.

Highlights of the piece include:

  • Bottled water can be up to 2,000 times more expensive than tap water, making it a costly choice for consumers. This raises the question: is the perceived convenience and safety worth the premium price?
  • Whether it’s tap or bottled, consumers want to feel confident that what they’re drinking is safe and of high quality. Building this trust requires transparency from both the bottled water industry and public water utilities.
  • Consumers should have access to information about the source of their bottled water, the treatment processes it undergoes, and the results of safety tests.
  • Public water utilities must continue to maintain rigorous standards and communicate openly with the public about water quality.
  • Play around with our Water Neutrality tool and check the accuracy of the bottled water label!

Download the full article and our water neutrality tool below and join us as we dive into the contentious issue of bottled water – is it better?

Download Article PDF Download Water Neutrality Tool

Article written by:

Melissa Thek
Director – Strategy, Transformation and Delivery
Suhaib Malkawi
Civil Engineer