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Program Assurance for Strategic Futures Project: City West Water and Western Water Integration.

Significant growth in Western Melbourne has led to a blurring of operational boundaries between the water and wastewater service providers City West Water (CWW) and Western Water (WW). 

A review by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning considered the options available to ensure customers receive affordable services into the future. The outcome recommended the integration of CWW and WW. The integration is being overseen by a Joint Transition Committee (JTC) with an independent Chair and board members from both organisations.

CWW engaged Sequana to provide an independent assessment of the effectiveness of governance, risk management and internal controls to ensure success of the integration by 1 July 2021.

Outcomes included an independent assessment of the integration project governance, costs, risks and performance, greater transparency and improved processes through the integration. A robust risk management system to identify and address potential problems before they occur and collaboration and engagement with the Board to improve and deliver the highest outcomes in quality and safety.