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26 Sep 24 · Company News

We’re Walking for Water from 30 September to 4 October 2024

WaterAid Australia
Around the world, 703 million people – almost one in ten – don’t have access to clean water close to home.

Every day, women and children walk long distances, sometimes up to three hours, to collect and carry water for their families. WaterAid Australia’s annual Walk for Water fundraiser brings people together to raise awareness of global water issues, with participants symbolically walking distances that many people around the world have to travel each day just to access water, while raising much-needed funds at the same time.

Everyone deserves to have access to clean and safe drinking water, both in Australia and overseas.

By Walking for Water, the Sequana team will raise vital money for WaterAid Australia to help in their mission to provide clean water and sanitation services to those who need it most.

Together, we’ll walk in solidarity with those who don’t have the luxury of turning on a tap for fresh water, bringing attention to the urgent need for change and remind ourselves of the privileges we often take for granted.

Some of the Sequana team shared what they would do with an extra three hours in their day:

💧 I would spend the time with my two-year old daughter, as the time goes so quickly and is so precious. It breaks my heart that there are so many children, in particular young girls, around the world who have to sacrifice not only their time, but their education, to walk long distances to get what is a human right, but something so many of us take for granted. 

💧Spend more time with my family.

💧I would spend it walking along the beach every morning to clear my mind and plan my day. Looking at the ocean helps me focus on the complex challenges that often don’t get enough attention during the day.

💧Volunteer at an animal rescue.

💧 I’d spend the extra time with the people I love, as my family is based in another country and cherish these moments as our world feels quite unstable these days. It is hard to witness continuous inequalities linked to climate change every day and water security is part of the top list. So, if I can give back to the ones in need by joining the WaterAid Walk, that is the least I can do to help.

💧Improve my alpine skills.

💧Create something delicious in the kitchen.

💧Spend the time with the family and working in the garden!

💧 I’d unplug from all the screens and spend those extra three hours exploring the outdoors with my family. Whether it’s a spontaneous nature walk, flying kites in the park, bike riding through muddy puddles or finding new places to explore, those moments would become our little family adventures. It would be a chance to bond, laugh, and discover the world through their eyes.

How you can get involved

By taking part in Walk for Water and walking, running or riding for five days, you’ll be helping people around the world access clean water close to home, in their schools, and at their healthcare facilities. WaterAid believes that everyone everywhere has the right to clean water. And with your help, we can make that happen.

Last year, WaterAid Australia helped more than 1.6 million people access clean water at their healthcare facilities through its direct work in communities, and even more through its advocacy and policy work around the world.

Join the Sequana team as we walk for walk for water, so that they don’t have to. Together, we can make a lasting impact, one step at a time. For more information, go to: Walk for Water