Our Work

Victorian Water Corporations Intelligent Water Network.

The Intelligent Water Network was set up for the Victorian Water Industry to share opportunities and deliver them through collaboration and leadership.

Specifically, the Intelligent Water Network (IWN) Program is a collaboration of the Victorian water corporations, VicWater and the State Government to advance the water industry.

To assure Government that the initiative could drive innovation and deliver value for customers and the environment, Sequana’s Managing Partner was engaged to conduct and delivery model review for integrating all water corporations’ involvement in IWN. This included assessing a suitable governance and delivery structure and introducing a ‘change management’ process to the existing IWN initiative.

The integration resulted in an ongoing successful collaboration of Victorian water corporations developing important innovations, including an industry leadership program Information Management and Analytics program, Asset Performance and energy optimisation program, and Leak detection program. The collaboration has also led to an Industry-wide renewable energy project that saves Victorian water Corporations millions of dollars in energy costs.